Friday, August 29, 2008

Allsion in her Stroller

Here are some pictures of allison cruising a around in her stroller.

Nick's Summer Part Two

Nick really did do a lot this summer.

Nick's Summer

Nick was very busy this summer. He played soccer, went to parks. These are photos of some of the things that he did this summer.

Nick and Allison

Nick was a little bit nervous about meeting her and is trying to figure out the best way to play with her. He wants help as much as he can.

We are so glad to be back home with the both of them.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

18 Month Party/Baby Shower

Angela's sister-in-law Becky through her a Baby Shower on Allison's 18 month birthday. Allison just loves to have all the attention and be around people. She just keeps an eye on Mom or Dad.

Funny Faces

More of Allison's personality comes out everyday and she seems to think she is very funny.

Welcome Home Party

We had a short Welcome Home Party for Allison at Scott's Parent's house. It was the first chance for several people to meet her. She loved all of the attention, but always made sure that Mom and Dad were in sight.

Car Ride Home

Allison rode in her Carseat for the first, and didn't seem to mind at all. Nick was happy to have someone riding in the backseat with him.

Arrival Home

We were greeted my several family members at the airport. It was great to see all of those familiar faces. We were suprised at how well Allison did meeting everyone. We let everyone know that Allison might not them hold her, boy were we wrong. I put her down and the first thing she did was crawl over to Angela's sister.

It was cloudy and cool when we landed and that felt so good, after all of the humidity in China.